If you don’t want to be listed as my worst resume ever….follow this advice
My last blog was simply a post of one of the worst resumes I have ever seen. To help you avoid winning this prestigious award in the future I have given you a few pieces of advice to help you create or clean up your résumé.
1. If you are going to include an Objective Section, make sure its specific and to the point. I have also seen very long objectives that include generic statements about wanting “stability” or worse, list attributes of the applicant. This is not the point of writing objectives. The other point is that it should address the job you are applying for. I have received many resumes that list an objective for another job than what I have listed.
2. Your contact information should be correct and accessible. In other words, if you are looking for a job you should answer your phone during business hours. Or, at least, you should return calls promptly. I once received a call back from a candidate a week after I called because she was on vacation. There is no excuse for that. If you go on vacation take your phone with you and check email from time to time. Or, start your job search when you return.
3. If there is a spelling mistake, chances are, I will stop reviewing your résumé. Most jobs receive anywhere from 100-500 resumes and I have plenty more to review. This is the single most important document you create to support your job search. Treat it that way. If you have a spelling mistake, what kind of work will I think you will be doing for my client (the hiring employer)? Exactly- slightly careless.
4. Don’t worry, if you need more than one page its fine. I think one page resumes applies to either old school advice or to recent college graduates. But beyond two pages I would be very careful.
5. In the body of your résumé you will be listing your experience primarily. A few pieces of advice..Instead of writing in paragraph format I would highly recommend bulleted format. It’s a lot easier to read short concise sentences. In addition, use action words and don’t use the same ones over and over. Do you want a list of action verbs to help you in creating your résumé? Go to <a href=”http://www.resume-help.org/resume_action_words.htm”>http://www.resume-help.org/resume_action_words.htm</a>. It’s the most amazing list I have ever seen! This same site also recommends using the signs #, % and $. They stand out and emphasize your accomplishments and what you can do for their company.
But the #1 tip (or the #6 tip in this little list) is proof read the résumé before you post it or send it out. And, have a few friends proof read, and then proof read it again. Again, your resume is the only reflection they have of you until you are invited in for an interview. And unless you do a great job on the résumé, you will not be invited in!