No matter what decision we’re making, our experiences, interests, world views, and values will impact the outcome. Often, these influences are unconscious. The impacting our choices in ways we aren’t even aware. When it comes to hiring, we all come to the table with unconscious biases. Even when we have the best intentions, this can impact who we decide to interview, hire, and promote. And, those decisions shape every single organization and industry in our world.
Unconscious bias and hiring is a topic we’ve wanted to dig into as a company dedicated to building diverse, dynamic teams. That’s why Risch Results recently hosted an event in partnership with the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum to facilitate deeper learning about the way unconscious bias influences our hiring decisions.
First, we’d like to thank the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, our amazing panel, our guests, Andrea Anderson, and the entire Risch Results team for making the event a success. In this post, we’re sharing highlights, photos, and resources from the event.
Speakers and Panelists
We learned from experts in HR, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and communications.
Our panelists included:
- Cheryl D. Orr, Principle/Owner of Insight HR Partners
- Jared Fitzpatrick, the Dallas Regional Chamber’s Sr. Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Jennifer Pascal, Co-Owner and COO of Allyn Media
Charlotte Decoster gave a presentation on Unconscious Bias on behalf of the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum.

Unconscious Bias and Hiring: Tools and Resources
Our speakers provided valuable tools, resources, and research focused on mitigating unconscious bias in the hiring process. We’re sharing links to those tools here:
- TalVista – TalVista’s conscious inclusion decision support platform helps you become aware of bias with data-driven hiring and view beyond the noise of unconscious bias. Increased conscious inclusion ensures a more diverse and inclusive talent pool and workforce.
- TapRecruit – Small decisions matter. TapRecruit’s language analytics editors for job descriptions and recruiting emails are designed to help you make more inclusive and thoughtful decisions about how you communicate with qualified candidates.
- Textio – When you’re building a culture of belonging, every word counts. Textio brings the world’s most advanced language insights into your hiring and employer brand content, every time you write.
- JobWriter – JobWriter enhanced job postings don’t just describe jobs, they tell your story about your goals, your organization’s culture, and what it genuinely feels like to work in a particular job. Candidates will know intrinsically if their personality makes them a natural fit. They’ll also feel comfortable about the work environment and how their talents will be valued.
- Gender Decoder (free) – This site is a quick way to check whether a job advert has the kind of subtle linguistic gender-coding that has this discouraging effect.
- Texas, Dallas & Race – Allyn Media Research conducted original research on the topic of Texas, Dallas and Race. Visit the link, the click “Texas, Dallas & Race” to view.
- Courageous Conversation Starters – This article by R. Danielle Bailey helps you facilitate these conversations in and out of the workplace.
- Toolkit for Disrupting Racism – This toolkit from the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights museum is filled with resources for educators, students, parents, and the community.

Event Highlights
We are grateful to our attendees for engaging wholeheartedly in a challenging and motivating conversation. The success of this event was a collaborative effort! We appreciate all those who helped bring it to life, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as our team did. Here are a few highlights, captured by Mary Cyrus Photography.