Building a Productive Work Team

Building a Productive Work Team

Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Texting. Skyping. Words with Friends. Draw Something. All of these are daily distracters that become addictive and time-wasting. While it’s efficient to connect with people on these different platforms, it may hinder your team’s ability to focus on everything from daily routine tasks to the project proposal due tomorrow. So how do you keep your team on track, while still motivating them to do so?  Follow these five tips and you’ll see a lot less of their thumbs attached to their smartphones and see that you are building a productive work team.

 1. Build an Organization Built on Meaning
If your team contains focus-driven individuals (and they have a goal to focus on), then it will be a united as a cohesive unit. Therefore, they will all be working towards a common goal and be motivated to accomplish that goal in a timely manner. Long-term and short-term goals should both be established. If your team has closer benchmarks they can reach, they will feel a better sense of accomplishment than having to wait months to cross the finish line.

 2. Do not Force Opposite Personalities to Work Together
Not everyone in your office is going be best friends or hang out together after work, but forcing people who differ greatly in their personalities and work ethics could wreak havoc on your office environment. Instead, group alike personalities to focus on the same part of the projects, and separate the clashing personalities to work on different portions. When it is time to collaborate, be the mediator/arbitrator during the meetings. Everyone will be able to handle the critiquing and evaluation with a more relaxed reaction.

3. Work Hard. Play Hard.
This everlasting expression will continue to be relevant for years to come. By planning team outings and creating fun activities, your team will feel less stressed when they come in to work. If they have fun gatherings to look forward to, it will get them motivated to get the job done. Also, having co-workers connect a personal level can instill trust and loyalty among the team. Getting to know your office on an individual level will show that you care not only about their work, but about them as a person.

4. Take Care of the Small Things
It may sound petty, but creating an office environment that is physically appealing will increase productivity among your team. Make sure the temperature is not too warm or too cool. You don’t want you employees falling asleep at their desk or have teeth chattering echoing across cubicles. White walls are overrated. Liven up the ambience with colors and art. Lamps and furniture can create a more comfortable space. Excess noise can be a distraction. Establish rules for radios and loud cell phone ringers.

5. Reward for a Job Well Done
It’s very important to show your team on a regular basis that you appreciate their efforts. You don’t need to babysit them and hold their hand, but by showing your staff you notice their good works, you will boost their self-esteem. If you nag and criticize too often, they will feel as if their work will never be good enough. Avoid this negativity by holding mini award ceremonies and recognizing the small accomplishments, this is all a part of employee motivation. The rewards will come back ten-fold.

Related:  Employee Motivation: Inclusion and Praise